About us
Kensey Care Services was started up back in 2019 .
Kensey Cares owners are Janine and Chris Wiles. Chris Wiles and Steven Boulton are the company Operations and Finance Managers for the company. The company was born out of a need to provide professional and person centred care and support to people living in their own homes .
Janine Wiles is the Registered Manager and has over 35 years experience in the Health and Social care sector . Janine has managed care homes as well as home care agencies . Janine is supported by an amazing team of managers and supervisors . Gillian Holloway is our brilliant Deputy manager and deals with most of the day to day running of the business. Gill has a wealth of experience and qualifications in Health and Social care and leads our fabulous teams.
Kensey Care services employs a diverse, caring , passionate and professional team of Community Care Practitioners . Our team genuinely care about the care they provide and are integral to the wonderful reputation we have in the local area.